Increase Productivity with Dynamics365 App for Outlook Webinar

Increase Productivity with Dynamics365 App for Outlook Webinar

by Jan 2, 2020Outlook, Power Platform

Outlook Integration with Dynamics 365

Most business users respond to emails all day long. Oftentimes these emails dictate which tasks you focus on and help you to prioritize the tasks you need to work on. The main way you communicate with your customers and coworkers is email, so doesn’t it make sense that your email would be integrated with your CRM system? Toggling between disconnected programs can be very time-consuming. Our Dynamics365 App for Outlook webinar shows how the two apps work together to increase productivity throughout the workday.

Increase Productivity with Dynamics365 App for Outlook Webinar

Brian Begley, owner of enCloud9 and, began our monthly webinar by discussing using the new Outlook App within Dynamics 365 as opposed to what we had previously. The new application has many features that the old one lacked.

Brian demonstrated the many features of the app that allow you to be more productive throughout the day.

These features included:

  • Syncing email messages, meetings, and appointments to accounts, opportunities, and other records.
  • Adding contacts, leads, cases, knowledge articles, SOWs, and more to a record in Dynamics 365 – all from Outlook
  • Using Relationship assistant to get additional insights on your customers.
  • Easily adding email templates, knowledge articles, and sales literature to emails sent from Outlook.
  • Viewing information about Dynamics 365 contacts and leads while you while you’re viewing emails and meetings in Outlook.
  • Opening Dynamics 365 records directly while working in Outlook.

Take Another Look at Dynamics 365 webinar Presentation

Test Drive of the Dynamics 365 app for Outlook

After discussing the differences between the new app and the old instance, Brian gave a few scenarios. Brian went into a live demo of the app. Brian gave a sales scenario as well as a customer support scenario  He showed how quick and easy it is to add leads, contacts, accounts, and cases – right from Outlook.

Our demo included mobile and Power Apps scenarios and is appropriate for Dynamics 365 users still using the old Outlook integration as well as model-driven Power Apps looking for an easy way to integrate emails.

How can we help?

If you have any questions on the Dynamics 365 App for OUtlook or if we can help you with any of your Dynamics 365 needs, don’t hesitate to contact us. is a recognized expert in helping organizations like yours to get the most out of their Dynamics 365 system.

Want to learn more?

In addition to our Dynamics365 App for Outlook webinar, you might want to check out a blog that we’ve written recently – Increase Productivity with Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. One resource we’ve found to be very helpful is the User Guide. The user guide gives great tips for tapping the power of your Dynamics 365 apps while you’re using Outlook on the desktop, web, or phone. For information on deploying the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, read this Microsoft document.