A Simple Guide to Dynamics 365

What is Dynamics 365?

Most businesses only dream of having a single solution that addresses CRM and ERP capabilities. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud based CRM and ERP solution that offers a full suite of tools to streamline business. Dynamics 365 consists of many cloud apps that help manage a variety of business processes. Read our simple guide to Dynamics 365 to learn more.

There are many advantages to using an application in the cloud – including decreased cost, increased security, and increased work mobility.

Dynamics 365 allows you to mobilize your business processes through their mobile app. Arrive more prepared for appointments and update notes, tasks, and attachments while the details are still fresh in your mind. In addition, we presented a webinar about the Dynamics 365 mobile app.

Solutions that fit you, not the other way around

Dynamics 365 applications were built to use together. Because of Microsoft’s flexibility, you have the power to choose the apps that fit your businesses needs. Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers powerful flexibility and limitless possibilities.

Easily make Dynamics 365 your own by tailoring and building your solution using the Microsoft Cloud—Microsoft Power Platform, Microsoft Azure, and Microsoft 365, or hundreds of other familiar business tools.

By our simple guide to Dynamics 365, we hope to educate you on Dynamics 365.

Dynamics 365 ERP Solutions

There are two main Dynamics 365 ERP solutions to choose from:

Dynamics 365 CRM Solutions

Well, first, it is important to understand what “CRM” stands for. CRM stands for customer relationship management. CRM is a category of integrated, data-driven software solutions that improve how you interact and do business with your customers. To learn 8 ways Dynamics 365 helps strengthen customer relationships, visit our blog.

A good CRM system helps maintain customer relationships, track sales leads, marketing, and pipeline, and deliver actionable data. The three main focuses of a CRM system are sales, service, and marketing.

There are many reasons you need Dynamics 365, but in today’s competitive industry, a good Customer Relationship Management tool is a must.  Learn six reasons your business needs Dynamics 365.

The components of Dynamics 365 that address these CRM issues are:

  • Dynamics 365 Sales – enables salespeople to turn prospects into engaged customers. Salespeople can easily nurture more sales-ready leads, personalize the buyer experience, and build customer relationships.
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Service – enables businesses to provide excellent customer service, exceed customer expectations, and earn customers for life.

With AI driven productivity tools, your agents are equipped with the right tools at the right time.

Service is optimized with actionable insights (AI driven insights and analytics that improve agent and customer experience).

One area in which Dynamics 365 shines bright is in case management! To learn about how you can provide seamless customer service with case management in Dynamics 365, visit our blog. In addition, you can also watch our case management webinar – in which Brian Begley walks through a day in the life scenario of a customer service person.

  • Dynamics 365 Marketing – includes a bundle of apps and solutions to support marketing and coordinate with sales. Some of these apps and solutions are available as bundles or add-ons with other Dynamics 365 products, while others are only available as part of the marketing package.
  • Dynamics 365 Project Operations –  enables you to deliver outstanding project experiences on time and within budget! Dynamics 365 Project Operations features a unified scheduling engine, real-time dashboards, the ability for consultants and subcontractors to update their skills and apply for relevant jobs, and more.
  • Dynamics 365 Field Service – enables service people to provide timely, proactive service. Using IoT, service issues can be detected remotely. Issues can be detected and solved before the customer even knows there is an issue. By using insights, preventative maintenance can be scheduled. Remote assist allows service technicians and customers to work together from anywhere and solve problems in real time.

We’ve put together a quick reference for common terms used in Dynamics 365 SalesCustomer Service, and Marketing. Our CRM Glossary will ensure that everyone in your organization is on the same page regarding CRM knowledge. Our glossary is a great introduction and also a reference document.

Dynamics 365 includes many offerings that go beyond CRM and ERP

In addition, Power BI is purchased separately. Power BI adds exceptional visualizations and powerful data controls.

Microsoft Dataverse (formerly known as the Common Data Service)

Traditionally, enterprise software has been built upon layers and layers of complicated databases. Microsoft has moved away from this model and instead – Dynamics 365 and other Microsoft products are built on the Microsoft Dataverse, formerly known as the Common Data Service. In November 2020, Microsoft renamed the Common Data Service to the Microsoft Dataverse.

Benefits of Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 brings together customers and products, people and data. There are many reasons Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the solution of choice for many businesses. Here are a few of those reasons:

  • Seamless integration with the Microsoft stack
  • Easy to use and deploy.
  • Work from anywhere.
  • Reduced sales cycle.
  • More repeat sales.
  • Increased productivity.
  • Close more deals.
  • Flexability and rapid innovation.
  • Easily customizable to the unique needs of your business.

Learn why Dynamics 365 wins over many other customer engagement solutions.


With Dynamics 365, you only pay for the applications and capabilities that you use. Businesses have the option of subscribing to  plans  on a per user per month or per tenant per month subscription basis. Subscriptions start at as low as $65 per user per month – and additional app subscriptions start at $20 per user per month.

How can we help?

Because Dynamics 365 is  continually evolving, you need expert guidance to determine exactly which apps fit your business needs and strategy.

You also need expert help to set up and tailor Dynamics 365  to your business processes and to support you over time – as your business needs change.

That expert guidance and assistance comes from a Microsoft Dynamics Partner, like enCloud9.

enCloud9 works with your business’s specific needs, from assisting in the selection process to licensing all the way to implementation and go live; and enCloud9 doesn’t walk away when your solution is in place – We support your business so your solution is always up to date and running smoothly.

Contact us today. We’d love to hear about you and discuss how Dynamics 365 can improve the way you do business.

We can get you started quickly with our Sales Accelerator. Our Accelerators are prepackaged Dynamics 365 implementations designed to get your business up and running rapidly. 

We hope our simple guide to Dynamics 365 was a good introduction to Dynamics 365.