Managing and Marketing Teams Live Events – Part 2

In part one of our 2 part blog series on Microsoft Teams we told you what Microsoft Teams Live Events are and we showed you how is simple to create and market a Teams Live Event. There are 3 simple steps to follow when holding a Microsoft Teams Live Event: planning and set up, marketing, and post event wrap up. In this second part, we will cover marketing your Teams Live event – as well as post event wrap up.

Step three: Marketing your Teams Live Event

This may be one of the most important steps in holding your live event. You need to ask yourself who it is that you want to attend your webinar. Do you want primarily new customers, existing customers, or a mix? If you are primarily marketing to existing customers, you may want to do something like add a note to your email signature or send emails to existing customers or prospects.  When engaging new prospects, you may want to do something such as creating a blog about your topic and post it on social media. Don’t forget #hashtags! You may also want to consider joining and posting in LinkedIn groups related to your topic and creating LinkedIn Lead Generation forms to capture sign ups from LinkedIn.

Our marketing automation tool of choice is ClickDimensions. ClickDimensions was made exclusively for and is natively built in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Using ClickDimensions, we built a campaign automation when planning the marketing of our webinar. Campaign automations allow you to set up dynamics paths for a contact or lead based on certain actions. In our fast paced world, campaign automations help simplify and automate daily processes. Campaign automations turn manual processes into automated ones. Campaign automations are not only simple to set up, but extremely beneficial. Not only do they give you piece of mind,  campaign automations increase productivity – freeing you up to focus on other things. Below is an example of our campaign automation.

Teams Live Events | enCloud9

Step four: Post event wrap up

After your webinar is over, you still have a few tasks to perform. You can make your job easier by simply prebuilding many of these assets and finishing them after the webinar is completed. For us, we like to upload all of our webinar videos to YouTube. We also save our PowerPoint presentation to a pdf and download both the pdf and the video to our website. You will also want to send an email to all who registered (not just attendees) – thanking them for attending and attaching links to the webinar recording on YouTube and the PowerPoint notes.

Don’t take down the webinar landing page you built for registrations. Use it to continue generating leads. Update the sign up form so that people can watch the video on demand.

In Conclusion

Webinars are among the best marketing platforms. Webinars establish you as an authority in the field and allow you direct contact with your target group. Holding webinars actually saves time and money, as they allow you a global audience without having to travel. Webinars allow you to reach a large amount of people at once. Remember, the hardest thing about doing webinars is just getting started. Decide you want to do it and just get started. You won’t be perfect. You will evolve with time and practice.

Get started today – happy planning!

How Can We Help?

If you have any questions on getting started with Teams Live events or if we can help you with any of your Dynamics 365 needs, don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be more than happy to assist you. enCloud9 is a recognized expert in helping organizations like yours get the most out of their Dynamics 365 system.

Watch for details of our upcoming webinars in 2021. Topics to be announced soon and registration will be available on our website, as well as on our Facebook page.

Visit our YouTube channel for other informative webinars or our blog for the most current and up to date information.