Dynamics 365 Sales Insights Gains Three Free Features

After a month of publishing great content about why you should enable Dynamics 365 Sales Insights in your organization, we are happy to close out the month with a surprise announcement from Microsoft that makes it even easier to get started.

Microsoft recently announced that three valuable Sales Insights features, previously only available with a Sales Premium license, are now included with a Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise license. The three features are:

  1. Sales Accelerator – provides guided sales paths to your team to quickly and consistently close opportunities.
  2. Conversation Intelligence – records your sales team’s phone calls with clients and analyzes customer sentiment.
  3. Predictive Scoring – dynamically scores leads and opportunities based on buying signals from your customers. Allows you to focus on the deals most likely to close.

This news was announced on the Dynamics Fortnight Fridays video podcast hosted by Bart Sneary and Dan Burke of Microsoft. Dynamics Fortnight Friday offers news and tips on Microsoft business applications and airs every other week at 11:30 am CT.

For more information on using these Dynamics 365 Sales Premium features (sales accelerator, conversation intelligence, and predictive scoring) with the Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise license check out this informative Microsoft document. This document has a lot of really great information about these 3 capabilities. It also  walks through everything from end user experience and the value of each of these capabilities to setting them up in the new getting started page that will come out next week.

Let enCloud9 help you maximize your investment in Dynamics 365 by deploying Dynamics 365 Sales Insights.

We think many Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise customers will be very happy to learn of this recent development. In addition to these three features, Sales Premium offers a comprehensive set of advanced capabilities that are tied together in order to help sellers achieve their goals successfully.

Let gold certified enCloud9 help you maximize your investment in Dynamics 365. Contact us today. We’d love to hear about you and discuss how Dynamics 365 Sales Insights would benefit your business.

enCloud9 works with your business’s specific needs, from assisting in the selection process to licensing – all the way to implementation and go live. And enCloud9 doesn’t walk away when your solution is in place. We support your business so that your solution is always up to date and running smoothly.

To learn more, visit our blog to check out other great articles we have recently written about Sales Insights.