Enhancing Productivity and Client Engagement: RLH’s Dynamics 365 Experience

Elmwood Reclaimed Timber | enCloud9 | Dynamics 365 Success Story

Riordan, Lewis, and Haden
Los Angeles, CA
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Products Used:

  • Dynamics 365 Mobile

enCloud9 Services:

  • Implementation Services

Client Overview: RLH (Riordan, Lewis, and Haden), a renowned private equity firm headquartered in Los Angeles, leverages the power of Dynamics 365 to catalyze its investments across the dynamic landscape of business services, healthcare, and government services. With a rich legacy spanning over four decades, RLH has consistently achieved growth and prominence within the private equity sector.

The Challenge: RLH recognized the paramount importance of maintaining robust client communication channels within the context of its Dynamics 365-driven operations. Ensuring seamless connectivity and efficient information flow to a global client base became a strategic imperative.

Our Solution: In response to RLH’s exigent communication needs, enCloud9 embarked on a mission to optimize Dynamics 365. We meticulously customized the Dynamics 365 mobile app to deliver mission-critical information on the go, facilitating client interactions and strategic meetings. Additionally, the enCloud9 team orchestrated the seamless migration of RLH’s on-premises CRM system to Dynamics 365’s agile cloud-based platform.

Results Achieved: The implementation of mobile access to Dynamics 365 has yielded profound results for RLH. End-user engagement has surged significantly, with team members empowered by instant access to vital data, enhancing agility in client interactions. RLH’s management now enjoys enhanced insights into employee activities, fostering data-driven decision-making. Importantly, the efficiency of creating and accessing meeting notes and follow-up information has soared, enhancing overall productivity and collaboration across RLH.

Conclusion: This success narrative underscores the transformative prowess of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Mobile in fostering seamless connectivity. RLH’s journey exemplifies the value of optimized Dynamics 365 operations in nurturing client relationships and sustaining competitiveness. In a rapidly evolving business environment, Dynamics 365 emerges as a pivotal tool for organizations, like RLH, committed to leveraging technology to stay ahead in their respective sectors.