Recovering from a Failed CRM

What to do when CRM just is not working out

There are many signs that you have a failed CRM.

It might happen upon Go-Live or it might take months or even years to happen, but at some point, you might determine that your Dynamics CRM is unfixable and unusable. After using Dynamics CRM for several years you might notice that what was once a valuable system, providing important data about upcoming sales, customer support trends or marketing data seems to not be fulfilling its old potential.

Convinced your Dynamics 365 is beyond repair?

Well, it probably isn’t. When your Dynamics 365 doesn’t seem to be meeting your needs, you might think the best step isto scrap Dynamics 365 and start over with another CRM system. Before you look at other solutions, think about a CRM Rescue and Repair from enCloud9. It might be all you need are a few adjustments or a fresh perspective.

In our blog 13 Signs That Your CRM Sucks, we’ve compiled a list of some of the worst problems that we’ve fixed for our clients. We’ve seen the worst our clients can send us and we have succeeded in fixing them.

What is enCloud9’s Dynamics 365 Rescue and Repair?

Dynamics 365 Rescue and Repair from enCloud9 is a process we have deployed to help CRM users get the most out of their existing Dynamics CRM and 365 system. Our process is straightforward – We learn about your business, how you use Dynamics CRM or 365 today, and what you see as the shortfalls that need to be addressed. We will usually demo a plain vanilla or lightly customized Dynamics 365 system as we have found that many times, CRM users may not know of the many improvements and features added to Dynamics 365 over the years. Seeing Dynamics 365 with the fresh eyes of a clean system usually triggers new ideas and new ways to bring processes into Dynamics 365.

enCloud9 has worked with dozens of companies who have inherited a less-than-optimal Dynamics 365 CRM. With our Dynamics 365 CRM Solution “Rescue and Repair” we will take your failed CRM and work with your team to align it with your goals.

Sound impossible? Some of our recent Rescue and Repair projects have included:

  • Migrating from CRM 2011 to a cloud-based Dynamics 365 Solution
  • Resolving chronic data duplication issues
  • Optimizing forms and views for more efficient data entry and analysis
  • Building business processes that matched the client’s sales process to Dynamics 365 sales entities
  • Integrating Dynamics 365 with customer portals and ERP

Dynamics 365 Rescue

We think of a rescue as stepping onto an existing CRM system that is just not working. Sales teams are bypassing entering leads and opportunities, management is not enforcing sales processes. Management might even be looking into replacing Dynamics 365 with another CRM system. A Rescue Plan from enCloud9 looks at what works and can be saved, but also what needs to be done to re-energize the system. Perhaps gamification? How about training new users? Or integrating data from your website into CRM. Talk to us and we will deliver a tactical rescue plan that promises a quick return on your investment.

Dynamics 365 Repair

Repair is different from rescue in that Dynamics 365 is working and is being actively used, but something is just not right. Maybe the system dashboards are not giving you the information you need, Duplicate records are clogging the system, or your sales process is not matching how your sales team engages with prospective Customers. Usually, these repairs are quick and painless and can result in a high return on Intvestment. Contact us today to let us know what repairs you might need; our analysis will usually be at no charge.

In conclusion

When you have a failed CRM, scrapping your CRM and starting over isn’t the only thing you can do. You have many other options – and enCloud9 can help.

How can we help?

If you’ve got a less than optimal Dynamics 365, turn to enCloud9 for assistance. enCloud9 has worked with dozens of companies to help them get the most out of their CRM. We’ve seen the worst our clients can send us and we have succeeded in fixing them. We will take your failed CRM and work with your team to align it with your goals.

To learn more about our Dynamics 365 CRM Solutions or out Rescue and Repair plan, contact us today.

We’d love to hear about your business and discuss how we can work with your business and its specific needs.